Over the first term, CSVPA drama students have been exploring techniques in freeing the actor’s voice, imagination and physicality, as well as enhancing their skills in working supportively and playfully with one another in the creation of an ensemble piece.
From this, A Brilliant List was devised. A life affirming performance piece considering the small and impactful and the grand and meaningful moments in life. Moments that fill us with gratitude for what and who we have around us as we progress through our lives. The devised piece comprises material from various plays to create a fresh narrative, including scenes from Every Brilliant Thing by Duncan Macmillan, Constellations by Nick Payne, Mogadishu by Vivienne Franzmann, and Love and Information by Caryl Churchill.

The students’ passion for the piece shone through as each actor gave their character depth and complexity. With a minimal set and clever use of props, our actors’ performances were really at the forefront of the production. The audience was drawn into the piece as they participated in reading out items from the ‘brilliant list’, moments that define and celebrate life such as ‘falling in love’, ‘fresh oranges’ and ‘watching the sun set’.
Learning to perform in an ensemble cast is crucial for both personal and artistic growth. It teaches our students the value of collaboration, as every individual’s performance contributes to the overall success of the production. Ensemble work fosters strong communication, trust, and a deep sense of unity, as each actor must respond to and support the others on stage. This cooperative energy created a dynamic, cohesive performance that resonated powerfully with the assembled audience.
What’s more, working in an ensemble helps our students develop versatility, as they must adapt to different characters, interactions, and rhythms, enriching their craft. Ultimately, performing in an ensemble teaches our students how to bring the story to life, elevate each other’s performances, and create a shared experience that goes beyond individual achievement.
“It is an opportunity for our students to apply an understanding of all they have learned this term, and communicating this with an audience” explained Rachel Ellis, Director of A Brilliant List and Head of Drama at CSVPA. “It’s their chance to experience the joy of performing as an ensemble, as well as standing on their own within the piece.”

Having the confidence and adaptability to perform in front of a live audience is an essential skill in becoming a successful actor. Students on both our Extended Diploma in Performing Arts – Drama and our Drama Foundation courses are given a variety of opportunities to develop this experience throughout their time at CSVPA.
Find out more information about our Extended Diploma in Performing Arts – Drama and our Drama Foundation courses.