We believe that safety and enjoyment are equally important when studying with CSVPA. By choosing to study with us you are making a major investment in your education and your future. This will be a fulfilling and exciting experience for you and it is vital that you are safe and secure during your studies.

It’s essential for International Students to take out adequate insurance whilst studying. CSVPA works with Howden to offer students suitable insurance during their time at the college. Howden is an award-winning insurance provider and one of the largest insurance groups in the world.

The insurance Howden provide is specifically designed to meet your needs whilst studying with us – from the time you set off to the moment you arrive back home.

Duration of Stay Fee
Insurance (6 months) £220
Insurance (12 months) £440
Insurance (24 months) £880

We believe that safety and enjoyment are equally important when studying with CSVPA. By choosing to study with us you are making a major investment in your education and your future. This will be a fulfilling and exciting experience for you and it is vital that you are safe and secure during your studies.

It’s essential for International Students to take out adequate insurance whilst studying. ‘Student Cover’ has been created in partnership with Endsleigh, the UK’s largest student insurance provider. With both Standard and Standard Travel plus private Medical options, ‘Student Cover’ is specifically designed to meet your needs whilst studying with us – from the time you set off to the moment you arrive back home


Gadget and Possessions Cover:

  • Cover for gadgets and possessions for the duration of your course and whilst travelling to and from the UK.

Course Fees Cover:

  • If you have to cancel your course, cut it short or repeat it due to accident or sickness; we will reimburse your prepaid course fees.

Cancellation and Curtailment Cover:

  • If you have to cancel or curtail your study due to accident, illness or sickness, you can claim back the costs of prepaid travel and accommodation expenses.

Medical Cover:

  • Medical cover including emergency medical and dental treatment costs.
  • Repatriation to your home country if you are seriously ill or injured.
  • Bringing a relative to the student’s location to visit following a medical emergency.




  • The first £50 of each and every claim per incident claimed for by each beneficiary, except for claims under personal liability, personal accident and legal expenses, where no excess applies.

Cancellation or curtailment charges:

  • Any circumstances known prior to booking the trip that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim.

Emergency medical and other expenses:

  • Treatment or surgery which in the opinion of the medical practitioner in attendance can wait until a beneficiary’s return home.
  • Medication, which prior to departure is known to be required.


It is important that you understand the key components of your Student Cover policy while you’re studying in the UK. In the event that you need to make a claim, it is important to understand exactly what you’re covered for and to what extent you are covered under your Student Cover policy. The table below displays a summary of the maximum amounts which are payable under each section:

COVER TYPE Standard Cover
Cancellation or Curtailment Charges £5,000
Emergency Medical Expenses £2,000,000
Emergency Dental Treatment £500
Counselling if student suffers PTSD £300
Personal Accident £30,000
Private Medical Emergency Cover £25,000
Baggage (Including Valuables) £4,000
Single Article Limit £2,000
Valuables Total Limit £2,000
Currency Notes and Coins £100
Other Money and Documents £100
Passport £500
Personal Liability £1,000,000
Missed Departure £250
Overseas Legal Expenses & Assistance £10,000
Course Fees £16,000
Excess £50 (£100 for some claims)

Please Note: All premiums shown are inclusive of Insurance Premium Tax at the current rate. The beneficiary MUST be aged under 66 years old at the time of departure. Cover under Personal Accident (other than death benefit) are not available to anyone 65 or over.


Your safety is our primary concern. Furthermore, having  insurance will offer peace-of-mind to both students and  families before starting out on their studies.

For full details of what is covered by the insurance policy,  please refer to the policy document, which will be shared with students by our Admissions Team after they register. The insurance will  cover many unforeseen events and conditions that would  affect the beneficiaries health, finances or long-term wellbeing.

Yes, as with all insurance policies there are a number of general exclusions listed in the group policy under ‘general exclusions’ which should be read carefully in addition to the ‘What is not covered’ sections of the group policy. Please also note that under most sections of the group policy the beneficiary will be responsible for paying the first £50 of each and every claim. It is the responsibility of the beneficiary to read and ensure that they understand the group policy.

How to make a claim or request assistance in the event of  medical emergency

All medical claims are handled by our emergency  assistance service who operate a 24/7 operation for  medical emergencies. Contact the emergency assistance  service on telephone number: +44 (0)1243 621058

How to make a non medical claim
All non medical claims are handled by Endsleigh under a  delegated authority – telephone number – in the UK: 0800 923 4046 from abroad +44(0) 1242 217301

Email: or Web: The travel claim form –

Claims should be made as soon as possible after the date  of the incident for which the beneficiary is claiming. Claims  must be made within 31 days of the incident.

The beneficiary must report to the local Police in the country where the incident occurred within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as possible after that and obtain (at their own expense) a written report of the loss, theft or attempted theft of all Baggage. If Baggage is lost, stolen or damaged while in the care of a carrier, transport company, authority, hotel or the beneficiary’s accommodation provider the beneficiary must report to them, in writing, details of the loss, theft or damage and obtain (at their own expense) written confirmation of the loss. If Baggage is lost, stolen or damaged whilst in the care of an airline the beneficiary must

a) obtain a Property Irregularity Report from the airline.

b) give formal written notice of the claim to the airline within the time limit contained in their conditions of carriage (please retain a copy).

c) retain all travel tickets and tags for submission if a claim is to be made under this group policy. The beneficiary must provide (at their own expense) an original receipt or proof of ownership for items lost, stolen or damaged to help the beneficiary to substantiate their claim.

The beneficiary must provide (at their own expense) an original receipt or proof of ownership for items lost, stolen or damaged to help the beneficiary to substantiate their claim.

We realise that when a claim is made it is a very stressful time. A dedicated team of travel claim handlers will make the claim as stress free as possible and help to answer any questions there may be.

All claims must be made by telephoning either of the numbers above in section entitled “how to make a claim” or online, or via email, depending upon the nature of the claim, staff can help make this call if required.

There is no refund due even if no claims are made during the period of insurance.

Cancellation cover is operative from the time you are accepted for cover and shall terminate when you leave your home to commence your trip. For all other sections of the group policy, the insurance commences when you leave your home to commence the trip and terminates at the time of your return to your home in your home country on completion of the trip.

Over 100 sports and activities are automatically included for no additional charge and most are covered in full however often they are undertaken during the trip. Please see the group policy document for further information.

You may withdraw from participation in the group policy at any time by giving notice of that intention to the group policyholder. Any return of Standard Travel plus private Medical insurance will be calculated from the date such participation ceases, provided you have not travelled or been the subject of a claim during any period for which cover was provided, in which case no refund will be due. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable administration fee. (Please note: Cancellation cover is operative from the time you are accepted for cover. Therefore, if you withdraw from participation in the group policy you will be charged for the period between being accepted for cover and your travel departure date).

An adjustment is when the beneficiary requires details of their cover to be changed. This could include changing the departure date, duration or increasing the cover levels.

ase refer to Eligibility Information for details on preexisting medical conditions.

Listed above are some of the most frequently asked questions about the student insurance policy. This only covers some sections of your students cover and it is the responsibility of the student to read the policy carefully to ensure that they are entirely satisfied with the cover.


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