CSVPA is a private education provider, registered with the Office for Students (OFS).

OfS are the independent regulator of higher education in England, with a stated aim to ensure that every student, whatever their background, has a fulfilling experience of higher education that enriches their lives and careers.

From a legal perspective Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts (CSVPA) is a trading division of Cambridge Arts and Sciences Limited (CASL), which also contains the trading entity CATS College Cambridge. Cambridge Arts & Sciences Limited (CASL) is a private limited company incorporated in England and Wales and registered with Companies House under company number 03454690 and having its registered office at Suites 6-7, The Turvill Building, Old Swiss, 149 Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge, CB1 7BX

CGS Administrative Services Limited is the named proprietor of the college. CGS Administrative Services Limited is also registered at Suites 6-7, The Turvill Building, Old Swiss, 149 Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge, CB1 7BX and the Chair of Governors is Mr. Robert Niu.

CASL is, indirectly, a wholly owned subsidiary company of CATS Colleges Holdings Ltd, which in turn is ultimately a wholly owned subsidiary of Bright Scholar (UK) Holdings Ltd, trading as CATS Global Schools (CGS). UK Company number: 11493248.

The undergraduate and postgraduate programmes delivered at CSVPA are validated by Falmouth University. The University of the Arts London Awarding Body accredit Level 3 and 4 Foundation programmes.

CSVPA is governed by the CASL Governing Body, the CATS Global Schools Executive Team and CSVPA Academic Board. Governance at the College is defined by:

  • the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) UK Quality Code
  • our university partner Academic Regulations
  • The Committee of University Chairs (CUC) Higher Education Code of Governance, “A Joint Understanding of Good Governance” (ISI) and the “Governance Handbook” (DfE)


Diagram of committee structure

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please email


The CASL Governing Body is responsible for the strategic oversight of the two divisions of CASL. Membership includes the CSVPA Rector (Vice Chair) and the Executive Principal of CATS. It also includes all company directors and a minimum of one external independent governor. The CEO of CATS Global Schools is the Chair of Governors of CASL. The Governing Body has oversight of the activity of the CGS Executive Team, particularly strategic and academic related activity. The Executive Team are required to take due account of reports from the Governing Body and respond to any recommendations.

The CASL Governing Body through the directors of CATS Colleges and CGS have legal responsibility for CSVPA and CATS Cambridge including compliance with UK company law and all other relevant laws, regulations and codes of practice. The governing body is unambiguously and collectively accountable for institutional activities, taking all final decisions on matters of fundamental concern within its remit.

Minutes of meetings (excluding confidential items) of the CASL Governing Body and its committees are available on request. Please contact us at

The directors of CASL, through the Executive Team, have established a committee responsible for the operation of CSVPA under the name of CSVPA Board. The role of CSVPA Board is to ensure CSVPA continues to develop and operate as a critical, cohesive academic community with a commitment to the assurance of standards supported by effective management and quality systems to monitor and implement strategic development.

CSVPA Board reports through its Rector to the Executive Team.

Membership of CSVPA Board:

Core membership of the Board: Rector (Chair), Provost, Finance Business Partner, Marketing Director of CSVPA, VP Sales and Marketing, Head of Student Administrative Services, Director of Operational Quality, Compliance Business Partner, Head of Admissions and HR Business Partner.

Other senior staff members are invited to the Board at regular intervals to report on and discuss matters specific to their areas of responsibility.


Additionally, the CASL Governing Body has established a committee responsible for the continued academic quality of CSVPA under the name of CSVPA Academic Board. The role of CSVPA Academic Board is to ensure CSVPA continues to develop and operate as a critical, cohesive academic community with a commitment to the assurance of standards supported by effective quality systems which can demonstrate firm guardianship and academic governance of its standards in operation to promote and enhance: effective student learning; teaching; and, scholarship. The Academic Board meets four times a year.

Membership of Academic Board

Rector, Provost (Chair), Dean of HE Academic Programmes (Vice Chair), Dean of L3 Academic Programmes, Dean of Students, Compliance Business Partner, Digital Learning Officer, Head of Student Administrative Services, Elected HE Course Director, Elected L3 Course Leader, Research Coordinator, Two elected members of academic staff and two student representatives.

Gayle Cantrell
Hywel Davies
John Ingledew
Polly Macpherson
Tony Rosella
Huw Swayne
Tracy Tomlinson

Cambridge Arts & Sciences Ltd – CSVPA have the following other designations and licenses:

  • Cambridge Arts & Sciences Ltd is inspected by ISI, a government approved independent inspectorate for independent schools, quality assured on behalf of the Department for Education. Latest report.
  • Office for Students (OfS) Cambridge Arts & Sciences Ltd is on the register of HE providers and has courses that are designated for student loan support.
  • UKVI. Cambridge Arts & Sciences Ltd can recruit international students and is on the Register of Licensed Sponsors: Students.


BA (Hons) Creative Intelligence & Innovation

BA (Hons) Illustration

BA (Hons) Graphic Design

BA (Hons) Visual Communication